Xabier Durruti

A staunch advocate for user privacy in the technological realm, a dedicated and professional individual in the workplace. A speaker on technology and privacy matters.

- Technical Specialist in Cyberintelligence – OSINT (Open-source intelligence) - Hack by Security

- Human Source Intelligence - HUMINT - LISA Institute.

- Advanced Cybersecurity Program – Stanford University.

- Auzitegiko peritajeko eta informatikako unibertsitate-aditua - UNIR University.

- Advanced Cybersecurity Program – Stanford University.

- University expert in forensic computing and expertise.

- Former member of the Commission for the Promotion of Basque in the Digital Environment of the Advisory Council of Basque (Basque Government).

- Engages in work related to OSINT.

- Conducts audits and security analyses to prevent cyber attacks targeting information theft across various domains, including companies, entities, and law firms. Also caters to individuals with complete security and confidentiality.

- Creates reports on attacks and defense with the goal of acquiring or protecting sensitive, confidential information.

- Partner with Proton – Switzerland (Proton Mail, Proton VPN, Proton Drive, Proton Calendar, and Proton Pass).

- Recovers lost or deleted information on mobile devices (tablets or phones), laptops, or desktop computers.

- Delivers talks and workshops on Privacy and Computer Security to groups, entities, associations, etc., both collectively and individually.

- For more information and details, click here.

* View some completed works. (more information). * https://www.theworldstimes.com/ read the complete interview here.

* Talk on computer security at the University of Gasteiz: https://vimeo.com/559834066

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Website designed by Xabier Durruti